For a few seasons now we have done a pretty good job keeping a fresh selection of womens footwear at Shelta. Today almost 35% of our footwear customers at Shelta are women, and this percentage keeps on growing. With that said, for this spring and summer 2014 season, for the first time ever (well almost…), we have bought selected womens apparel pieces from brands like Wood Wood, Stüssy, Nike, Obey, Adidas Originals, Carhartt and New Black. There are no huge collections or big quantities available, but we have chosen selected amazing womens pieces that go along with the Shelta mission. Kajsa, a Majorna native and Shelta employee that some of you may have met while visiting our store lately, made a lookbook in the Shelta backyard, together with our photographer Jonas Mossberg today. Voilá!