Shelta summer sale now live – information on international orders

The summer sale at is now on and poppin! 40-60% off on a lot off nice stuff for you and yours. Here´s some useful info on international orders:

Shipping costs
Denmark 150 SEK (appx. 116 DKK)
Finland 150 SEK (appx. 15 Euro)
EU 150 SEK + 50 SEK for each extra item (appx. 15 Euro + 5 Euro for each extra item)
Norway 200 SEK (appx. 160 NOK)
Switzerland 200 SEK (appx. 29 CHF)
USA & Canada 350 + 100 SEK for each extra item (appx. USD 45 + USD 13 for each extra item)
Japan & Australia 450 SEK + 100 SEK for each extra item (appx. USD 58 + USD 13 for each extra item)
Rest of the world 400 SEK + 100 SEK for each extra item (appx. USD 52 + USD 13 for each extra item)

UPS shipping
All international orders are shipped and fully insured by UPS.

Customers outside of shop tax free
Customers outside the European Union (EU) shop Tax Free (no swedish V.A.T. will be added) and get 20% off on ALL products when choosing destination country at check-out.

Payment options
We offer payment by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal or international bank transfer.

Most prices are set in Swedish Krona (SEK), and other currencies shown are directly converted from SEK. We update our currency converter every 24 hours, and therefor prices shown in other currencies than SEK might vary from day to day, due to world currency changes. All orders are charged in SEK.